Education is meant to be a journey of growth and learning, but it's no secret that it can also be a source of significant stress and mental health challenges for Learners of all ages. The mental health crisis in education affects both younger Learners and those in higher education alike.
The mental health crisis in schools is a complex array of challenges that transcends demographics and socio-economic backgrounds. According to the World Health Organization, half of all mental health conditions in adulthood begin by the age of 14. This shouldn’t be a surprise, as alongside the negative effects of a global pandemic, modern-day Learners also suffer from the relentless pursuit of academic excellence, the intense, personal influence of social media, and heightened societal expectations, leading to a surge in stress, anxiety, and depression.
The intense rise in the number of young people suffering from mental health issues makes it impossible for teachers in the traditional education systems to manage, as they lack both the time and resources. This combined with a lack of adequate health services, means that many children and young adults are going untreated. And so, with the students suffering and the teachers struggling; the school itself begins to buckle under the weight of the problem.
Education is not just about imparting knowledge, but also about fostering comprehensive growth. A more holistic approach is required in this fast-paced, digital age. Not only for the sake of mental health, but also to prepare Learners for the modern-day workforce.
With Brave Generation Academy, the learning model tackles education in a different way. While BGA can by no means claim to have a cure for mental illness, their flexible environment enables Learners to be more at-ease in their schooling, both as it pertains to their academics and their social interactions.
It's crucial for educational institutions to prioritise mental health, offering a supportive and nurturing environment for Learners to grow. With the current traditional schooling system lacking resources, alternative education is rising up to take on the challenge.
With BGA's commitment to providing a safe and supportive space in which to learn, combined with their holistic model, there's hope for a brighter future in education.
Contact us today to find out more about the BGA’s unique education model!